Day 82: St Arnaud Zero Day

Distance travelled today: 0 km

Total TA distance covered: 1941 km

Unplanned rest day.

I had expected the section between Pelorus River and St Arnaud to take 7 to 8 days but found myself ahead of schedule and arriving in St Arnaud only after 6 days. My natural walking pace is fairly quick and I’m certainly not rushing through the trail, still I was surprised to get into town in 6 days, particularly given that one day in the mountains was really just a half day with a rainy start. So ahead of schedule and after a hard 35km yesterday I decided to take a day off and regroup. I have a food parcel here that I sent ahead to the Alpine Lodge and I get a chance to do some laundry and eat some delicious food.



One thought on “Day 82: St Arnaud Zero Day

  1. Hello Mick, all goes well with you. Melbourne had a huge downpour yesterday, streets flooded and meanwhile Tassie fires still burning. You seem to have battled the elements as well – glad that you have good hiking gear. Catch up again soon.


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