Day 2: Te Paki Stream to 45km mark

Distance today: 25km
Total TA Distance: 45km

Day two was always going to be a pain, literally, my body aches all over. Little sprinkling of rain over night but nothing to worry about. Tough day. Body sore – feet, shoulders, legs. Got away at 7:30am. Strong southerly, head on. Sun is intense and added to the wind makes for a red face.

I was happily walking away listening to a pod cast on mt ipod when a couple also walking the Te Araroa came up from behind. I was oblivious to their presence with head phones in and they startled me. Introductions out the way we continued on. 

High tide made for difficult walking on soft sand and frequent breaks were required but the pace was maintained. The next camp most trampers aim for is The Bluff. I was really keen to knock out as many Km’s along 90mile as I can in a day so i pressed on once at The Bluff.  I was hoping to break the beach up with a couple of 25km days and a big 30 at the end rather than a couple of 30kers in a row.

The roar of the ocean and wind in my ears all day was crazy. Non stop noise all day. Fine sand has found its way into everything with the head on southerly as well. Any camp tonight will have to be sheltered.

Getting to the 45 km mark, i’d had enough. My mind said yes, keep pushing, but my body said no more. 25km is not bad. I’ll have to repeat the same tomorrow. 

I opted to take shelter in the nearby pines. Out of the wind for a bit and some shade at least. Absolutely knackered. Was set up, had dinner and in bed by 17:30. Mildey dehydrated with a headache but not too bad. Last fill up point for water was 10km ago and needed to carry enough for the rest of today and all of tomorrow but obviously didn’t drink enough while being conservative. 2.5 litres left for tomorrow. Should be fine. Great decision to bring compression socks for leg recovery, they weigh very little and are fantastic.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve done plenty of beack walking in my time and in the right area and conditions it can’t be beat – think Whitsundays or Hinchenbrook Island – but I’m finding 90 mile beach particularly uninspiring. It’s like walking the 90 mile beach back home. It’s exposed to the sun and wind which makes even a lunch stop a short affair with little releif from UV or fine sand. I did bring an umbrella, yep an umbrealla, and along the beach it had earnt it’s place – but i am thnking this will one of the first pieces of gear to be sent home to lighten the load. 

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